40 research outputs found


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    The Clean Sky 2 program unites all major European players in the aeronautical sector to conduct research on future, more energy efficient aircrafts with lower environmental footprint. Besides technologies developments, the demonstration of technologies in dedicated test environments is a key element of this research program. The Fraunhofer Flight Test Facility is such a platform for technology demonstration. Located in Holzkirchen, south of Munich, it hosts several aircraft fuselage structures and allows for indoor environmental tests under realistic temperature, moisture and pressure conditions. In this paper, demonstrations performed within Clean Sky 2 are highlighted. These include an adaptive ECS system, environmentally friendly fire protection, model validation tests for ETOPS considerations and cleaning and disinfection demonstrations

    Design of knowledge-based systems for automated deployment of building management services

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    Despite its high potential, the building's sector lags behind in reducing its energy demand. Tremendous savings can be achieved by deploying building management services during operation, however, the manual deployment of these services needs to be undertaken by experts and it is a tedious, time and cost consuming task. It requires detailed expert knowledge to match the diverse requirements of services with the present constellation of envelope, equipment and automation system in a target building. To enable the widespread deployment of these services, this knowledge-intensive task needs to be automated. Knowledge-based methods solve this task, however, their widespread adoption is hampered and solutions proposed in the past do not stick to basic principles of state of the art knowledge engineering methods. To fill this gap we present a novel methodological approach for the design of knowledge-based systems for the automated deployment of building management services. The approach covers the essential steps and best practices: (1) representation of terminological knowledge of a building and its systems based on well-established knowledge engineering methods; (2) representation and capturing of assertional knowledge on a real building portfolio based on open standards; and (3) use of the acquired knowledge for the automated deployment of building management services to increase the energy efficiency of buildings during operation. We validate the methodological approach by deploying it in a real-world large-scale European pilot on a diverse portfolio of buildings and a novel set of building management services. In addition, a novel ontology, which reuses and extends existing ontologies is presented.The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the generous funding provided by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme through the MOEEBIUS project under grant agreement No. 680517

    Wie der Raum das Lernen bestimmt

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    Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik IBP forscht intensiv am Klima in Innenräumen. In verschiedenen Versuchseinrichtungen und Projekten untersuchen die Mitarbeiter die Luftqualität in Klassenzimmern und die damit einhergehenden Auswirkungen auf die Nutzer. Im nachfolgenden Beitrag werden neue Erkenntnisse und Lösungsansätze zum Lernen im leistungsfördernden Raum vorgestellt

    Gutes Klima - gutes Lernen

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    Auch wenn bekannt ist, dass ein gutes Innenraumklima die Leistungsfähigkeit steigert und motiviertes Lernen fördert: viele der Bildungsstätten können aus unterschiedlichen Gründen kein optimales Innenraumklima anbieten. Eine mangelnde Lüftungsrate mit daraus resultierendem zu hohem CO2-Gehalt findet sich bei Messungen ebenso wie zu hohe Raumtemperaturen im Sommer

    Mould and dampness in European homes and their impact on health: Conducted by order of VELUX A/S

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    This report aims at showing the impact of mould and dampness on living in a healthy home. An unhealthy home is supposed to promote illnesses, more or less severe, and leads in consequence to (direct health) costs for medication or even hospital admission and on the other hand to (more indirect) economic costs when employees are sick and could not do their work. In this study report, the scientific foundation for the relationship between mould and dampness and respiratory illnesses of building occupants is shown. To achieve a magnitude about the effect of mould in homes on respiratory diseases, a meta-analytic synthesis is done in order to summarize the available statistical data. Ina further step, a projection about the potential of modernizing the building stock and reducing mould sources on lowering the impact on the occupants’ health has been made and measures for improvement are outlined

    Towards an identification of European indoor environments' impact on health and performance: Mould and Dampness; Study Report

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    This study report aims at showing the impact of mould and dampness on the health of inhabitants. A meta-analytic synthesis has been performed to achieve a magnitude about the effect of mould in homes on respiratory diseases. Furthermore, a projection about the potential of modernising the building stock and reducing mouldsources on lowering the impact on the inhabitant’s health has been made. Finally measures for improvement through renovation are outlined, which can lead to a higher quality of the indoor environment and thus improve the inhabitant’s health

    Technisch-funktionale Modelltests zur Absicherung integraler Fassadenkonzepte

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    Innovative Fassaden beruhen auf einer technologischen Disziplinenkombination aus Maschinenbau, Leichtbau, Metallbau, Glaswesen, Haustechnik etc. mit hohen bauphysikalischen Anforderungen. Dies stellt sowohl Planer als auch Ausführende vor immense Herausforderungen, da die unterschiedlichsten Fachdisziplinen zusammenzuführen sind, welche in den seltensten Fällen von nur einem einzelnen Fachplaner oder einem ausführenden übergreifenden Betrieb beherrscht werden. Trotz dieser Systemkomplexität wird auch bei hohen Objektsummen vor der Fertigung häufig keine ausreichende technisch-funktionale Qualitätskontrolle eingesetzt, lediglich die ästhetische Bemusterung vor Ort findet regelmäßig statt

    Cartilage Repair and Joint Preservation: Medical and Surgical Treatment Options

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    Articular cartilage defects are most often caused by trauma and osteoarthritis and less commonly by metabolic disorders of the subchondral bone, such as osteonecrosis and osteochondritis dissecans. Such defects do not heal spontaneously in adults and can lead to secondary osteoarthritis. Medications are indicated for symptomatic relief. Slow-acting drugs in osteo - arthritis (SADOA), such as glucosamine and chondroitin, are thought to prevent cartilage degeneration. Reconstructive surgical treatment strategies aim to form a repair tissue or to unload compartments of the joint with articular cartilage damage. In this article, we selectively review the pertinent literature, focusing on original publications of the past 5 years and older standard texts. Particular attention is paid to guidelines and clinical studies with a high level of evidence, along with review articles, clinical trials, and book chapters. There have been only a few randomized trials of medical versus surgical treatments. Pharmacological therapies are now available that are intended to treat the cartilage defect per se, rather than the associated symptoms, yet none of them has yet been shown to slow or reverse the progres sion of cartilage destruction. Surgical débridement of cartilage does not prevent the progression of osteoarthritis and is thus not recommended as the sole treatment. Marrow-stimulating procedures and osteochondral grafts are indicated for small focal articular cartilage defects, while autologous chondrocyte implantationis mainly indicated for larger cartilage defects. These surgical reconstructive techniques play a lesser role in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Osteotomy near the knee joint is indicated for axial realignment when unilateral osteoarthritis of the knee causes axis deviation. Surgical reconstructive techniques can improve joint func tion and thereby postpone the need for replacement of the articular surface with an artificial joint

    Denkmalgerecht und energieeffizient sanieren: Eine Herausforderung fĂĽr alle Beteiligte

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    Historische Quartiere und Einzeldenkmale prägen unsere Städte und Gemeinden. Daneben steht das erklärte Klimaschutzziel. Wie gelingt es, das baukulturelle Erbe zu erhalten und gleichzeitig den Anforderungen an Energieeffizienz, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Behaglichkeit Genüge zu tun, bevor Funktionsverlust und Verfall drohen? 33 Modellvorhaben in ganz Deutschland verbinden Denkmalschutz und Energieeffizienz vorbildlich

    Digitale Revolution

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    Um die Zusammenarbeit von Bauherren, Planern und Ausführenden zu optimieren, müssen die erforderlichen Kommunikations- und Informationsprozesse möglichst effizient gestaltet werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund spricht man seit einiger Zeit von einer bevorstehenden "digitalen Revolution", die sich unter anderem durch die flächendeckende Einführung des Building Information Modeling (BIM) zeigen wird